01be028a67 Created by writer Rick Remender and artist Jerome Opea, the first volume of the series continued the story of Wolverine and his X-Force team from the series X-Force, vol. Yost had at one point stated that Deadpool would join the cast to bring more diversity to the team, but this did not happen until after his run and the launch of Uncanny X-Force. Torrent File Content (571 files). The Uncanny X-Men 334 - 337 - Onslaught/Onslaught - The Complete Epic Book 03.cbz - 496.61 MB. This new series features members of the previous X-Force team, which was to have been shut down by X-Men leader Cyclops due to the existence of the team having been previously exposed and now operates without him knowing. Here are some of the reader apps that i can recommend : YAC Reader (Win, OSX, Linux, iOS), ComicRack (Win, Android, iOS), CDisplayEx.
2016 • All rights reserved. Marvel Comics Annual ReleaseMarvel ComicsRequestX-Force Share: Author The Comic Guy The Comic Guy is an admin for GetComics.Info website. Part 02 The Uncanny X-Men 190 - 191 - An Age Undreamed Of/The Uncanny X-Men 190.cbr - 55.41 MB. The Uncanny X-Men 154 - 167 - The Brood/The Uncanny X-Men 166.cbz - 73.58 MB. Onyx WordPress Theme by EckoThemes. Part 02 The Uncanny X-Men 294 - 297, X-Factor 84 - 86, X-Men (1991) 14 - 16, X-Force (1991) 16 - 18, Stryfes Strike File/X-Cutioner's Song/03 X-Men 14.cbz - 61.21 MB. Part 03 Age of Apocalypse Age of Apocalypse Vol. The Uncanny X-Men 175.cbr - 59.92 MB.
Jartame replied
446 weeks ago