Jartame replied

419 weeks ago

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Kopstein, Joshua (November 20, 2012). Template:Citation/make link. Mudansa kernel Linux asosiadu livre ona tuir copyleft Lisensa Pbliku Jerl GNU versaun 2, ne ' eb dezenvolve ona husi Aliansa Handset Nakloke, ho fonte kdigu disponibiliza hotu dala ida. Idc.com. Nu'udar rezultadu hosi ida-nee, tempu ba tempu nesesidade hodi kontorna hardware restrisaun ba instala unofficial firmware ona lessened hanesan devices lubuk ida mak shipped ho unlocked ka unlockable bootloaders, hanesan ho Nexus oin-oin kona-ba uzu ba telefoni, maske normalmente presiza katak uzuriu renunsia devices sira garante atu halo ida-nee. Maski nune'e, OpenSignal, ne ' eb dezenvolve apps Android no iOS, konklui katak maske hotu bele halo dezenvolvimentu trickier, Android nia paizes globl bele mos aumenta kolen potensil. 5.0 5.1 Douglas Perry (July 16, 2011). Hanesan parte husi disclosures fiskalizasaun masa 2013 luan liu ida-nee mak hatudu iha fulan Setembru tinan 2013 katak ajnsia intelijnsia Amerikanu no Britniku, Ajnsia Seguransa Nasionl (NSA) no Governu Komunikasaun kuartl Jerl (GCHQ), respetivamente, iha asesu ba dadus uzuriu kona-ba iPhone, BlackBerry no Android devices.

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last edited 378 weeks ago by Jartame
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