Jartame replied

338 weeks ago

Girl With Gun Movie In Hindi Hd Free Download > DOWNLOAD

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A female assassin's personal and professional life collide.
"Girl With Gun" is a film about Gwen Hunter, whose best friend Mitzi and on-and-off love Dan thinks she is an ordinary 20-something working woman. In reality, she is the Nightingale, an assassin who helps the innocent when they cannot help themselves. However, her double life leads her to contemplate whether it is worth it, having come so close to death only earlier that morning while on assignment, wondering whether she should just settle down with Dan to lead a normal life like Mitzi's.
Director Russell Emanuel does a good job of giving us a different view of the old spy / crime fighter genre in GIRL WITH GUN. The focus for this slick little short is not the usual boring "let's blow up something and watch non-stop fighting" for no apparent reason. Instead, director, Emanuel offers an inside look at the private daily struggles of a kick ass crime fighter / all American girl who can't quiet get her personal life together. The short is a welcome big big step up from the usual disappointing shorts I'm used to seeing. And of course it doesn't hurt that the lead actress is a beautiful blond who wears a skin tight leather jump suit, drives a hummer and carries a very big gun.
Who says a short film can&#39;t be as professionally done as a feature film made in Hollywood. Though Girl With Gun doesn&#39;t have the budget of a feature, there are many elements that deserves attention.<br/><br/>Included are: acting (the lead especially, but also her best friend and her boyfriend), the pacing (it tells a well-packed story in only 14 minutes!), the music (I&#39;m not a big fan of electronic music but it worked well during the fight scenes).<br/><br/>I&#39;ve read several reviews for this film on different sites (Cinema Crazed, Kung Fu Cinema, etc) and they all seem to agree that this short deserves attention. And I agree, although each scene is by itself average, it&#39;s the overall whole that makes this a worthy contender among films.

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