2542ad2298 Follow us:Terms & ConditionsPrivacy StatementCookie PolicyTrademarksLanguagesChinaJapanIndiaJive Software Version: , revision: Custom . Brad Hewitt Hi there Thomas. Since I've started I have noticed that GNS3 is very popular. He is barking up the wrong tree. Lekha Devendran Yes but my router c7200 is not recognising any command related to performance routing. Thomas Wunderlin Oh, that would be great! Thanks Srijit Banerjee Hi, I have posted the required article. John Sila Thanks a bunch& tundra prihantiko thankyouuuuuuuuuuu Lekha Devendran srijit, can you post the cisco router that supports performance routing for GNS3 version 0.8 Srijit Banerjee All these IOS will work with 0.8 too. Ur gateway should be .1Enable secret and telnet to ur device. Main Menu Home About Me Contact Me Srijit Banerjee's Blog Tech Videos, Tutorials, Reviews and More at Srijit.Com Category Menu Cloud Computing Networking Router Reviews Security Videos . ! -Nick Reply Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here.
Care to help?? Srijit Banerjee The IOS in this page dont require any additional license. but it is only supported by ASR 1000 series. Home > CCENT/CCNA R&S Study Group > Discussions Please enter a title. GNS3 is an excellent alternative or complementary tool to real labs for network engineers, administrators and people studying for certifications such as CiscoCCNA,CCNPandCCIEas well asJuniperJNCIA, JNCIS and JNCIE. Join 25 other followers Search the site Search for: Follow Network Engineer on WordPress.com Top Clicksccieccie.files.wordpress.&ccieccie.files.wordpress.&networkengineer.meintranet.betomt.com.br/re&community.gns3.com/commun&ccieccie.files.wordpress.&google.com/url?q= Stats 185,905 hits Follow me on TwitterMy Tweets Blog Stats 185,905 hits CCIE RnS Lab Prep RSSRSS - PostsRSS - Comments Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Pete I have 3 1921s, a 3750 switch and a Dell 6224 that I am using to build lab projects with and was hoping to emulate the networks in GNS3 before I build them for real Srijit Banerjee Thats great! I would suggest you to download the Cisco Switch IOU which will help you emulate almost real cisco switch from: Pete Hey Srijit, thank you for that link. I have been unable to backup the ios image to my tftp server", do you mean that the 2600 series router does NOT have an image, or that you just weren't able to copy it off the router? BTW - please ignore antonios.skoulariot's replies - he is totally confusted and thinks you've bought a switch rather than a router, so everything after "use a console cable and log in to router" is useless.
Jartame replied
455 weeks ago