ad603a7745 .. Javascript is disabled Please enable javascript and refresh the page . When kept say their Is An Middle Class income . What is this person trying to say ? Using CNet to Blog or "Flog". 13 Next 4 stars "you may get solution here" December 30, 2013 By hthimz 2013-12-30 00:57:16 By hthimz Version: Windows Movie Maker (Windows XP) 2.1 ProsA video made by me .to download movie maker for xp and non xp users . But Kind of Diffult , Compare to some othe Programs Due to It Out date of Win 7 ( this is still the Only one) in less Windows Live Movie Maker which only allows 1.5 Hours on on both size/ 4.37 (4.7 GBS) DVD+R / DVD-r (Single Layer) DVD+R;DL 7.95 gb (8.5 gb) ConsThe anothe4 Other Burner Brogrmas out their The only Sale Like But Nome 10 Different Brnads In Major Store. SummaryI frequently use a cross fade from an image into black, producing an effect that makes it appear that the image is crumbling into dust. ConsFor my purposes NONE! SummaryFantastic FREE software included with Windows XP that is a great solution for copying miniDV discs to PC, works flawlessly! Reply to this review Was this review helpful? (0) (0) Report this post Email this post Permalink to this post 4 stars "Pretty good" October 27, 2012 By PHtrisyia236 2012-10-27 13:47:33 By PHtrisyia236 Version: Windows Movie Maker (Windows XP) 2.1 Pros- Easy to use- Preview screen doesn't lag- Quick learning curve Cons- Crashes several times- Too simple effects/transitions SummaryIt's not bad for beginners as it has a quick learning curve but if you're like me and you have been using it for several years, it can actually be very good, provided that you download extra effects and that you know the software pretty well.
Cons Summaryhope this will help you all Reply to this review Was this review helpful? (0) (0) Report this post Email this post Permalink to this post 4 stars "Simple to use and create custom special effects" December 01, 2013 By answerman1949 2013-12-01 07:48:26 By answerman1949 Version: Windows Movie Maker (Windows XP) 2.1 ProsAstounding simple to use. Leave that can of worms alone. Movie Maker is a basic, FREE, video editing program. Submit Problem Report Close[x] Problem Report submitted Thank you for submitting a problem report! The Download team is committed to providing you with accurate software information. If importing worked, Movie Maker 2 would quit responding when clips were placed on the storyboard. Even worse, Movie Maker for Windows 7 will NOT open a project created in Windows XP. We do not encourage the use of a software if it violates laws in your country. And any store that does 2 yr buy out your old PC/ Mac machinge I Make self Have Replace Computer not More evrey 5 to 8 Years. Another minor shortcoming is the need to use WMA for all imported video to prevent Movie Maker from crashing. And t6he Stupid Govermenbt of US.
Jartame replied
437 weeks ago