19d25c4272 week agopermalinksonid123 Cool video! High-quality video allows you to shoot a high-quality camera weeks agopermalinkDave Andister Great information and great timing as our local community news blog in Oro Valley, AZ ( is going to be doing some stories on rescue petsVce SET pro un Free Style JAGUAR - kadenick set pro un s vybavenm pro pravky v batohu za akn cenu 2750KLike01 month agopermalinkkasstri025 Wow! I thought all the sponsorship talk had run its courseVce DIKSON Twist HARD FIXING GEL 09 - Siln tuc elastick gel pro tvarovn es 500mlza akn cenu 85KGreat video BTW!Like04 months agopermalinkttran88 You can't blame DPR, Sony cams are where the fun is at.Like54 months agopermalinkFujica Barney is that a confession that these articles are being paid by the camera manufacturer?If so, then it wouldn't hurt telling people that we are dealing with sponsored contentThe pieces are, "commissioned by the sponsor in conversations with our marketing team, and the sponsor paid for it to be produced." So it's a commercial, Sony hired them to do a commercialmonth agopermalinkAmelia Forskolin Thanks alot for this Great video and amazing product, I love this camera very much, you shared me the best, highly recommendLike24 months agopermalinkMagnar W Personally I have no problem accepting such a connection between content and marketing for more trivial stuff, like camera gear
Like04 months agopermalinkVit Adamek Great video and photos.I think I made one fairly nice dog photo at friends grill party last August, with Panasonic GX80 and 45-150 Panasonic kit telezoom, post-processed to taste in Google NIKRovn vlasy Prodn odstn 8000L na prodlouen vlas 50-55cm - ern 1B Hair Extension - 10 pramen Kd sc 51 8000 1b Kredit 40 Bn cena: 615 K 23,65 € Nae cena: 500 K 19,23 € ks Ceny vetn DPH Kurz 1 € = 26 K SO.CAPUberskeptics may still yowl but they can't generate (as many) conspiracy theories when you fully inform!Like13 months agopermalinkMac McCreery Great stuffBrice from month agopermalinkinframan Love it.but the only way Archie, my miniature doxy, would let me film him is if the camera looked *exactly* like a piece of cheeseLike54 months agopermalinksierranvin Barney - I salute the openness and full disclosure you provide in this commentI had many struggles with fast moving dogs and my A6000 as wellVyhledvn Rozen vyhledvn Produkty Vrobce ampony na vlasy Regenerace a pe o vlasy Brazilsk keratin Barvy a barven vlas Melry Oxidanty Trval na vlasy Laky na vlasy Pnov tuidla Gely a tekut tuidla Vosky a vlasov krmy Lesky na vlasy Narovnn a zvlnn vlas Prodluovn vlas ehliky na vlasy Fny na vlasy Kulmy a kulmofny Stihac strojky Holc strojky a epiltory Zastihovae vous a chloupk Kadenick nky na vlasy Bitvy a seezvae Hebeny Karte na vlasy Natky Pltnky a zstry Brany, pouzdra a kufky Uovsk kadenick sety Drky a stojnky Ozdoby do vlas Kadenick pomcky Kadenick profi technika Kadenick nbytek - vybaven Pe o tlo a zdrav Kosmetika na vousy Kosmetika Manikra Pedikra Depilace SodaStream - vrobnk sody Vnon a drkov balky Vrcen nebo rozbalen zbo Novinky Akce Sleva Porovnn Kredit Infolinka pro vs +420 581204309 infovlasy-kosmetika.cz Tomš PAVELKA po-p 9-1213-16 ARGANOV OLEJ NA VLASY Evidence treb Podle zkona o evidenci treb je prodvajc povinen vystavit kupujcmu tenku
Jartame replied
415 weeks ago